Alexandra & Guillaume Wedding in France

Take us back to Paris.

This was my little brothers wedding. How to be able to not take any single image when you are a photographer but you aren’t the photographer assigned? I couldn’t resist and had to take memories back home with me.

These two are such a cute couple, not only Alexandra is one of my fave person in this planet but she is just perfect for my brother.

I can’t tell enough of how much fun we had! Weddings in Europe can last until 6am and that is exactly what we did, we literally dance and party until 6am. Here is a little recap:

The soft golden light of dawn painted the countryside with a warm glow, creating the perfect backdrop for a romantic wedding shoot. I couldn't wait to start capturing the moments that would forever be etched in my brother’s and sister in law memories.

As the day unfolded, I was struck by the simple elegance of the French countryside… I missed home!

The charming stone buildings, the vibrant flower gardens, and the rustic farmhouses all added to the rustic charm of the wedding venue. Every nook and cranny seemed to have its own unique charm, providing endless opportunities for creative shots.

The wedding ceremony took place in a quaint little church nestled at the center the small village. The intimate setting added a sense of serenity and romance to the proceedings. As they exchanged their vows, I was moved by the raw emotions that filled the air. The joy, the tears, and the laughter were all moments that I was privileged to capture, freezing them in time to be cherished forever.

As the day turned to night, the festivities continued under the twinkling fairy lights that adorned the outdoor reception area. The aroma of delicious French cuisine wafted through the air, and the clinking of glasses filled the atmosphere with merriment.

As the night drew to a close, I reflected on how blessed I was to have been able to go back home and spend this time with him.

I couldn't wait to go through the countless photos I had taken, reliving the memories.

If only I could go back in time and live all these beautiful memories again.


Caterina Teate